Markets and Innovation

Money and Markets: digital currency, security, and resilience

When we start a conversation about Transactive Energy, most thoughts go immediately to government-backed currency, such as Dollars or Euros. The second thought may be digital currencies for which there are wide exchanges that can be immediately converted to a government backed currency. I name transactions made using these currencies as bankable transactions, because the proceeds of a sale can be deposited directly into a bank. Large transactive energy markets, such as those for the bulk power market operated in North America by the ISOs and RTOs, have to use bankable transactions.

At the other end of the scale, in a transactive market operating a home microgrid, perhaps entirely off the grid...

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The Great IoT Roll-Out

Today, is the largest roll-out of an open platform for the Internet of Things ever. So you have to be thinking, “How does this change my plans”

Today, millions of users are installing a securable open source IoT Platform. Users of Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 8.1 are eligible for free upgrade to Windows 10. Windows 10 includes an AllJoyn server as a core service.

The developers of digital controls in buildings have long been pioneers in the Internet of Things (IoT)...

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Math and Power and the System with No Name

Every once in a while you run into something that just does not fit into any categories. The world welcomes a better mousetrap, but won’t even consider a mouse dispatcher that sends the mice outside to mow the lawn. We all want things that fit the categories we know. It is hard for a new category to make our purchasing lists.

For the last year, I have been talking to a company that manages energy based on math. The founder created new math to understand how dolphins process...

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